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The University of Amsterdam takes 8th place in the Top 10 Sustainable Universities worldwide as selected by Sustainability Magazine. Since universities are, according to the magazine, ‘research powerhouses’ with the ‘power to innovate and change sustainability practices across the globe’, it looked specifically at how sustainable strategies are being implemented.
Willem Boterman presenting his research on the political geography of consumption and production of meat and dairy at UvA's sustainability platform USP.

Sustainability Magazine values UvA’s implementation of green building standards, the reduction of carbon emissions, the promotion of sustainable transportation, and the integration of sustainability into research, education and operations. The partnership with energy supplier Vattenfall for supplying 53 GWh per year of Dutch wind energy is also mentioned.

Stanford ranked no.1

First place in the ranking is taken by Stanford University, California, USA, for its ‘robust sustainability programs’ focusing on energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste reduction, water conservation, and its goal to achieve Zero Waste by 2030.