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USP Associates Bob van der Zwaan and Frenk van Harreveld are partners in the just launched consortium HySUCCESS, which will evaluate how economic, legal, policy and socio-cultural aspects may hinder or promote the implementation of green hydrogen.

Hy-SUCCESS, which stands for ‘Social, User aCCeptable, Economically Sustainable Systems for hydrogen’ aims to ‘comprehensively investigate the socio-economic factors influencing the role of hydrogen in a sustainable energy system’. Uva is one of ten universities involved in this consortium.

€13 million for Hy-SUCCESS

NWO and GroenvermogenNL have made over €13 million available for this consortium. GroenvermogenNL is a project under the umbrella of the governmental National Growth Fund Programme, and it realises hydrogen pilots, research projects and educational programmes in the Netherlands. A total budget of €838 million has been allocated for this through 2030.

UvA research focussed on centrality of production and public acceptability

Bob van der Zwaan, professor at UvA’s Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, and his colleagues at the Faculty of Science will focus on the role of hydrogen in the overall energy system. They will try to answer whether hydrogen will have an international central role or, instead, be rolled out very decentrally with hydrogen production close to the locations of its consumption.

Frenk van Harreveld, professor of social psychology, and his colleagues at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences will look at the role of public acceptability in all of this. They will try to answer whether negative perceptions around the construction and location of electrolysers (which produce green hydrogen) can hinder the broad diffusion of green hydrogen as a climate-friendly energy carrier.

HySUCCESS research will run until 2028. The consortium will organise an official kick-off event at the end of 2024

Prof. dr. B. (Bob) van der Zwaan

Faculty of Science

Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences

Prof. F. (Frenk) van Harreveld

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group Social Psychology

Interview with Chris Slootweg about his work on hydrogen.
Interview with UvA researcher and USP associate Chris Slootweg on the production and large-scale storage of hydrogen.