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Dr. Z.M.C. (Zeph) van Berlo

Persuasive Communication - The use of (immersive) technologies for behavior change

Prof. dr. ir. L. (Luca) Bertolini

Urban and regional planning - Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

Dr C. (Cameron) Brick

Social Psychology - Programme Group Social Pyschology

Dr. R.D. (Ruth) Carlitz

Political Science – Politics of public goods provision in low-income countries, from the perspectives of both governments and citizens

Dr. M. (Monique) Chambon

Social Psychology - Reducing the environmental impact of healthcare

Dr. L.W. (Luc) Fransen

Business and Sustainability - Political Economy and Transnational Governance (PETGOV) programme group

Dr. M. (Mendel) Giezen

Sustainable Urban Development and Infrastructure - Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

Prof. dr. J. (John) Grin

Public Policy and Governance Transnational Configurations - Conflict and Governance Programme Group - Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

Prof. F. (Frenk) van Harreveld

Psychology - Social Cognition and Behavioural Change Related to Safety and Sustainability

Prof. E.M. (Eelke) Heemskerk

Programme group: Political Economy and Transnational Governance

Prof. dr. H.M. (Hilde) Huizenga

Formal Modeling of behavioral and brain indices of (a)typical development and aging - Programme group developmental psychology

Dr. J.M. (Jens) van 't Klooster

Political Economy - Programme Group Challenges to Democratic Representation

Dr. M.H.C. (Marijn) Meijers

Persuasive Communication - Understanding and stimulating pro-environmental behavior

Prof. dr. E.M. (Eileen) Moyer

Anthropology of Ecology - Health and Climate Change Amsterdam - Institute for Social Science Research

Prof. dr. C.I.M. (Caroline) Nevejan

Designing Urban Experience - Programme Group Cultural Sociology

Dr. K. (Karen) Paiva Henrique PhD

Human Geography, Planning and International Development Research – Climate adaptation and climate justice in the context of uneven urban development

Dr M. (Mehdi) Parvizi Amineh

Political Science and International Relations – Geopolitical economy of energy security focusing on EU, China, Central and West Asia.

Dr. B. (Branwyn) Poleykett

Politics and practice of public health - Programme group: Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body

Dr. B.T. (Bastiaan) Rutjens

Social Psychology - Psychology of science, including climate science

A.A. (Anna) Sach

Social Psychology – Climate Activism

A.A. (Anna) Sach

Social Psychology – Climate Activism

M.S.M. (Maien) Sachisthal PhD

PhD | Social Psychology - Programme Group Social Psychology

Dr. D.A. (Disa) Sauter

Psychology - The intersection between emotions and sustainability

Dr. A.R.T. (Andreas) Schuck

Political Communication - Amsterdam School of Communication Research

Dr. P. (Philip) Schleifer

Political Economy and Transnational Governance - The politics and governance of sustainability in the globalized economy

Prof. dr. E.G. (Edith) Smit

Persuasive Communication - Amsterdam School of Communication Research

Dr. E.S. (Eline) Smit

Communication science – digital communication for health & sustainability

S.H. (Saara) Taavila

PhD | Pro-Environmental Behaviour

Dr. D. (Diliara) Valeeva

Political Science - Sustainability of business and finance

Dr. I. (Imrat) Verhoeven

Political science - Just energy transitions in underprivileged neighbourhoods

Dr. E. (Else) Vogel

Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body - Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

Dr J.J. (Jannes) Willems

Urban planning - The creation of climate-just and climate-proof cities

Dr. A. (Anke) Wonneberger

Corporate Communication - Environmental communication and strategic communication of non-profit organizations. Particularly interested in the role of non-profit organizations in public discourses on environmental issues